Healing Foods

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Soul Food Kills! - Part 2 (An article from dherbs.com)

Black-eyed peas are the bomb but they are usually cooked with white table salt. Too much sodium in the foods we cook and eat! Some Black folks put animal fat and meats in their Black eyed peas.
The black-eyed pea itself is good (nutritious) for Black people because of the nutritional thiocyanate it contains and Black people need this nutrient.
I disagree with Elijah Muhammad in what he said about this pea and his recommending the white navy bean in its stead. While the navy bean is nutrition dense, it lacks thiocyanate.
The black-eyed pea originated in Africa some 5,000 years ago and still grows wild there. The black-eyed pea is more in line with our biogenetic makeup than the white navy bean is, a bean that has been grafted over the centuries.
The black-eyed pea also tones the spleen, pancreas, and stomach meridian. It is also a fast cooking bean. There's a reason why Black people like black-eyed peas. We can still eat this dish but instead of using white table salt, we should use sea salt or herbal seasoning instead.
Black people also like to eat rice and gravy, white rice on top of that, the worst kind of rice a Black person could eat. White rice contains too much starch. You see it in the pot while it's cooking. It starts off as bubbles and then turns into a dried white substance that sticks to the side of the pot or pan it's cooked in. White rice doesn't contain an iota of nutrition. Nada! In fact, it will rob your body of nutrition, what little nutrition you may have in your body. This is scientific fact too!
Black people are eating too much starch and this starch is impairing health. Starch is a stiffening agent. You use it while ironing to stiffen your clothes, especially your shirts. Starch also breaks down into a harmful byproduct called carbonic acid.
While white rice digests more quickly than brown rice, because it is refined it is not strengthening. It is not a strengthening food at all. It is devoid of nutrition because in order to make white rice the brown coating (germ) is removed and this germ is what contains the nutrition. This is why people in health conscious circles are big on wheat germ. It's because of the nutrition it contains. Wheat germ is a byproduct of making white rice.
Rice and gravy is dangerous because the rice is refined (white) and the gravy is made from white flour. Rice and gravy is very mucus forming. Sure, it tastes good (due to the salt and seasoning used to make it), but it is severely injurious to health and wellbeing.
In elementary school, we used to make piggy banks with newspaper, a balloon, and white flour (and water). The flour is what made the paper hard when it dried and also made the newspaper stick to the balloon too.
We must remember that the sticky substance called 'glue' derives from grains, which includes rice. Grains, especially refined grains, are very mucus forming and they are high in gluten which is where we get 'glue' from. Grains once digested in our bodies actually stick to the walls of the colon, compacting our fecal matter and making our stools very hard.
Grains produce glue in our bodies. Is not pasta derived from grains? Sure it is, and if you change the 'a' on "pasta" to 'e' what new word do you get? You get "paste" and paste is glue (or a mucilage).
I remember coming up in South Central Los Angeles - the only kind of bread we ate was white refined bread (Wonders, Webbers, etc.). I honestly never knew bread was actually supposed to be brown. Doctah B and Sister Yuki were so right when they used to teach folks at "The Good Life" that there's more nutrition in the plastic bag that the white bread comes in than the actual white bread itself.
My mother used to make play dough for us with white bread (which was very soft) and cheap food coloring, the ones poor folks used to color their boiled Easter eggs with. Ya'll know what I'm talking about!
But thank God I got myself into health, diet, biology, and nutrition.
The best grains for Black people (African-Americans, Moors, Nuwaubians, Nubians, Asiatics, Negroes, Cushites, Ta-Ma-Reans, etc.) are alkaline grains such as buckwheat, teff, quinoa (technically not a grain), and amaranth.
Teff is full of nutrition and contains dietary thiocyanate, calcium, iron, zinc, and copper - nutrients that are essential to the optimal health and wellbeing of African and/or Black people. The grain is also a good source of dietary protein. Injera, a sponge-like bread served in many Ethiopian restaurants is made from teff, though many Ethiopian restaurants are making injera from less expensive grains like millet or wheat (flour).
Other nutritious grains for African-Americans (or Blacks) include amaranth, millet, quinoa, and if you must eat wheat bread, choose whole wheat or Kamut brand of wheat (a/k/a Egyptian or Kemetic wheat).
Ezekiel 4:9 brands of bread (by Food For Life) are good as well as Alvarado Street Bakery and Rudi's Organic Bakery brands of bread. We list a host of food companies, including the ones above, and their respective website addresses in Dherbs.com Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual e-book that makes it real easy to switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Please note that wheat is not alkaline and creates mucus in the body if a lot of it is consumed. However, grains like barley, oats, rye, sweet rice, and triticale contain less gluten than wheat but still contain wheat and are also acidic in nature, but they are far better than any white refined breads on the market.
And beware of commercial wheat breads sold in commercial supermarket chains because some of them use caramel coloring to make the bread brown. They are saturating white bread with caramel coloring just how brown sugar is made by pouring syrup or molasses over white sugar to give it a brown coloring.
Many African-Americans suffer from a health condition called "celiac's disease" also known as gluten-intolerance and therefore Africans/African-Americans who suffer from this disease (and actually, even those who don't) should opt for gluten-free grains such as amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, rice, and wild rice (technically not a grain at all).
If you consume rice, it is better to consume brown rice and/or wild rice, which is highly nutritious. White rice should become obsolete in the African diet, and technically, in all people's diets perhaps with the exception of Asians who can tolerate white rice which is why this race consumes a lot of white rice.
Okay, moving on down the soul food list of grub, we come to hot water cornbread. I wasn't much of a cornbread eater coming up, but ate it nonetheless, well, I had to or I would have starved. Coming up as a youth my siblings and I ate what was served to us. We didn't ask questions, we just ate, no questions asked, well, maybe with the exception of liver. I myself always questioned my mother how come I had to eat liver. Of all the meats I ate coming up, liver by far was the worst and now I know why. The liver is the organ that processes and contains the toxins of the animal. All the toxins stay lodged in the liver. Liver just tasted nasty and there wasn't much you could do to alter the naturally nasty taste of liver.
Elijah Muhammad was right in how cornbread is hard on the digestion. All corn products that are not non-GMO (genetically modified organism) are harmful. Corn, along with soy, is the most genetically engineered crop on the planet. We unknowingly eat so much corn today as Americans in general that most of our carbon in our bodies is corn-based.
A great DVD documentary on corn was made a few years ago entitled "King Corn" which I have in my vast collection of educational DVD documentaries and this startling fact was brought up (a hair sample was taken and it was predominantly corn in the person's carbon). I knew it was factual when I considered everything that is made up of or made from corn.
Americans are consuming a lot of corn and corn byproduct, from corn on the cob, sweet corn, popcorn, grits, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, corn flour, dextrose, tortillas, corn oil, cornmeal, and Pinole to name a few.
Corn as an ingredient is found in more than 3,000 foods and ingredients including beer, soda pop, bread, corn flour, breakfast cereals, cornmeal, baked goods, candy, confections, corn oil, corn chips, corn solids (a filler), cornstarch, gin, snacks, and soups.
Corn is a sweetener too appearing in the forms of corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, malitol, mannitol, malt, and invert sugar.
Corn and corn production is a whole industry and makes billions of dollars from the sale of goods containing corn and made from corn. However, 90 percent of domestic corn is fed to livestock and this means that even the meats (beef) Americans are consuming is mostly corn. The corn shows up in the beef when tested. Folks, you do know that on their own cows would not eat corn, right? Cows eat grass! Not corn!
The remaining 10 percent of domestic corn is used for human consumption and in the production of paper, paint, plastics, textiles, and explosives.
Cornbread, like other soul food items, is straight mucus forming. And just think, many Black people can and actually consume cornbread with a glass of cow pus (milk)! Very mucus forming in deed!
The best corn to eat is yellow corn that is organic and non-GMO and blue corn. I actually like blue corn made muffins and bread. It tastes somewhat like mildly sweet cake and unlike cornbread, is very soft and not hard on the digestion.
If you consume grits, and many Black Americans do, yellow corn grits are better than white corn grits.
You can top your grits off with maple syrup instead of white table sugar, Earth Balance's Natural Buttery Spread instead of butter or margarine (which should never be consumed), and sea salt instead of white table salt if you in fact use any of the above to top off your grits which is a very common breakfast item in Black American households, especially poor or low income households (like the Evans family of the 1970's sitcom "Good Times"). The Evans was some real poor Black people! It seems like all they ever ate for breakfast were grits.
Okra is an exceptional food. I always liked it though it was very slimy, well, at least the way my grandmothers, mother, and aunts prepared it. They outright killed the okra!
I never knew okra did not have to be so slimy when after becoming a full- fledged plant-eater (in the same category as vegan) I began steaming my okra. It was still crisp, tasty, and the mucilage wasn't so slimy. To this very day okra is one of my favorite foods.
Okra, like black-eyed peas is native to Africa. Its African name is "Ngumbo" from whence we get our word for the dish 'gumbo' and also why our gumbos contain okra, at least authentic gumbo does. Okra is also called gumbo in Louisiana. It originated specifically from Ethiopia.
Okra is a very therapeutic food. It's mucilage or slippery gel effectively lubricates the intestines and helps to heal and prevent constipation. The problem with okra is how many, if not most, Black Americans cook their okra. They kill it and thus all the nutrition it contains. Try steaming it and adding a little herbal seasoning to eat. It's very delicious prepared this way.
Black folks love them some catfish. This is the worst fish one could eat! When I became health conscious I soon realized Black people love the worst kinds of any meat.
Catfish is Mississippi's number one industry. I guess it would be in the poorest state of the country. But I have to admit that I do have love for this state because this is the state my father and his family are from, so my roots go back to Mississippi so I have love for Mississippi.
They'd run me out of Mississippi if I lectured there and started to talk adverse about catfish.
Of all kinds of fish, black folks, collectively speaking, love the worst kind. I never could get with catfish or just fish period coming up. I was always afraid of getting a bone stuck in my throat. I always heard bad stories about people who got bones stuck in their throats from eating fish. Even as a little boy I was like "Just don't eat it and then there'd be no concern for fish bones getting stuck in the throat!"
Catfish had too many bones for me! I couldn't enjoy it for the tedious task of removing all the bones. I was like "to hell with this!" "Just pass me the French fries (chips)." You always had French fries with your fish, hence "fish and chips."
I would later become addicted to red snapper and whiting fish thanks to my Nation of Islam days. I used to travel from Glendale in the San Fernando Valley to South Central Los Angeles (Central and 41st Street) to Mr. Muhammad's restaurant.
Mr. Muhammad made the best fish I ever had in my life. I went there so much Mr. Muhammad and I became good friends. Mr. Muhammad then began telling me secrets about the kitchen and certain foods he prepared and sold. It was Mr. Muhammad who told me that even though he makes bean pies, he doesn't eat them because of all the sugar that goes into making them. Then he'd start elaborating on salt and all the salt used in the meals. I was like "damn!" "Thanks a lot!"
Mr. Muhammad also put me up on mucus and how mucus was a byproduct from all the good-tasting foods we were eating. One day Mr. Muhammad and myself were sitting at a table and through the window you could see this Black woman with real big breasts walking down the street and Mr. Muhammad looked at me and said, "Brutha, you see that sistah (Black woman) walking there with them big titties?" I said, "Yes!" Mr. Muhammad said, "Those are mucus titties!" I was like, "Huh?" He said her tits were so big from being filled with mucus and other toxins.
And it was just a matter of years before I really became health conscious and really understood what Mr. Muhammad was talking about on that particular day. A female's breasts can actually serve as a fatty reserve to hold fluid wastes and toxins. And for many women, they do, and because women wear tight wire-clad or strapped bras which trap toxins in the breast area (the lymphatic area of the breasts), and in addition to them using harmful commercial brand antiperspirants and deodorants which are toxic and in which the tight bras trap in the lymphatic area of the breast, the breasts become the site for the development of tumors and cysts, and in a worse case scenario - cancer (breast cancer)!
So many Black women are developing breast cysts and tumors. Breast cancer is no stranger to Black women and a lot of Black women are dying from breast cancer.
I just discovered a few months ago that my dear friend Coki Tai Bennett died from breast cancer (well, actually chemotherapy and radiation, keeping it real) on May 21, 2008. I was shocked to discover this. Coki was so young, beautiful, and spirited. She was a dear friend and like with so many of her other friends, we lost touch.
I remember one night (I believe in 2007) Coki came over because of the pain in her right breast and we applied some very powerful magnets to help the situation. It was that night (after all the months I had known her) that I saw her injured breast. I had seen a few injured breasts before, but never anything like this. Coki was browned skin (mocha or dark caramel complexioned) but the tumor, which was hanging off the breast despite growing out of the breast, was bluish-purple in color, and I knew that meant her breast was seriously inflamed. God I felt for this girl. The pain had to be unbearable and I know it was because she always told me about it. It prevented her from sleeping many nights. I wouldn't wish what my dear friend experienced on any woman.
Coki ended up working with a mutual herbalist friend of ours named Val from Carson, California, but after awhile she gave in to allopathic medicine and opted for chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I don't know why she stopped working with Val. I know Val did a lot for her.
I believe I saw Coki one time (actually the last time, at least alive) after these treatments when she came over for chakra balancing. I remember seeing the soles of her feet and they were dark yellow and I knew she was gravely toxic, toxic from the chemo treatments. I was actually a little perturbed. I knew it wasn't a good sign. My gift as a healer, or one of them, is that I can look at people and know what's wrong with them. I have a gift in reading various body parts and knowing what's being conveyed.
Coki was still spirited despite the treatments and her life circumstances at that time, but I knew it was a matter of time before she had to deal with the effects of the chemotherapy. God did not make the human body out of petrochemicals, so how can petrochemicals heal the human body? Chemotherapy and radiation is an asinine concept in my opinion.
I have met very young, beautiful and attractive Black women (many were models and actresses) and they had breast cancer. They were in their 20s too, but cut down by their own breasts in a diseased state because they really didn't understand the implications of what they were dealing with. You can't eat the same junk and fast foods or drink wine when you have cancer. There's no partying and rolling out. You have to be on full healing mode 24/7. A lot of these worldly females didn't understand this and as a result, perished, as the Scriptures state, from a lack of knowledge (and also from rejecting knowledge).
I have seen Black women who had all kinds of bulges: hernias and tumors protruding from their bodies - breasts, bellies/stomach, etc. And these things were all the result of improper diet and lifestyle, and this is very sad and frightening when we consider the fact that food preparation is a duty naturally put in the hands of the woman by Nature and if a woman doesn't know what to eat, the children and thus the family won't know what to eat unless there's a conscious man on the scene who takes an active stance to make sure healthy and nutritious food is prepared for himself, the wife/woman, and children.
Now getting back to this fish and Mr. Muhammad. It was Mr. Muhammad that prompted me, indirectly, to go (turn) vegan. What happened was one day I went to go get something to eat from Mr. Muhammad's place and there was a chain around the front door of the restaurant. Mr. Muhammad's restaurant was closed down and out of business. I was like, "Ain't that a bitch!"
I tried to replace Mr. Muhammad's fish with McDookie's, oops, I mean McDonald's, Filet O' Shit, oops again, I mean, 'Filet O' Fish' but it didn't work and one day while eating this crap at a McDonald's in Glendale, I looked at the sandwich after eating it halfway and asked myself, "What the hell am I eating?"
I truly believe it was the seeds of a dear Muslim sister and friend of mine, Sis. Ida Cooper, whom I attended the mosque (#27 in Los Angeles) with who used to tell me how she learned from a particular health conscious sister that fish has worms in it and if you're eating fish, you're eating worms. And that's all I could think about while looking at my half-eaten Filet O' Fish sandwich and from that day forward I became a vegetarian and a year later I became a vegan and have never looked back.
But Black people love fish, especially catfish!
There are two things black folks will drive all over town and great distances for and that is: Barbecued ribs and fish! Seriously! I used to do it myself. I'd damn near travel from Compton back to Watts for some Mr. Jim's BBQ!
Mr. Jims was located in Watts on Avalon Boulevard at 103rd (or 104th Street). I still remember his slogan: "You need no teeth to eat Mr. Jim's beef!"
Catfish is a nasty fish (creature). This fish even has whiskers like a cat. It also has a period or menstrual cycle. This let's you know this fish is greatly toxic because the menstrual process is a process that allows the release of toxins from the body, even for the human female. Catfish is also a scavenger. I even heard that at commercial catfish farms they are feeding catfish ground up rat (mice) mixed with a few other things. I can't confirm it but I wouldn't doubt it.
Man, if only the American people knew how their food was processed before it got to their tables. When I was in elementary school they showed us educational videos. Schools should be impartial and show the students films produced by Farm Sanctuary and PETA; films such as "Meet Your Meet" and "Food, Inc."
When I explain or elaborate to children and teens why I don't eat meat, every last one of them (on the spot) also wants to stop eating meat. Children, more so than adults in my opinion, are more sympathetic to animals and animal suffering.
CONTINUED in Part 3.
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of Dherbs.com.

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