Healing Foods

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The more raw, the healthier you are!

Going raw is not as overwhelming as it may seem. Just increase the salads you love when you eat them. Increase the fruits and cereals you love when you eat them. Fall in love with the knowledge of what you are physically made of, and what it takes to make your living body really work, and the bad habits you are accustom to will just melt away. We have no idea what our bodies will do for us when we put the right fuel in them. Let me illustrate just one aspect of what our bodies can do. Of the 160,000 edible plants on the earth. our digestive system can recognize and convert theses foods into brain, bone, heart, and muscles without us even being aware of it on a conscious level. That is with plant base nutrition. That's Powerful! Now on the flip side, 14,000 chemical additives are added to man made food by the major food corporations, of which when eaten, our body interprets as poison. Just like a computer virus disrupts your computer from running properly when it is infected, so do these chemical additives disrupt our body's ability to function properly like a computer virus, Except, where you may have 15 to 20 viruses in a computer, you may have 14, 000 chemicals wreaking havoc in your system. So when I say, " Now go and eat the right thing", do you see how it pays to eat the right thing! On that note, I am going to say," Amen!" The truth shall set you fee!

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