Healing Foods

Thursday, March 22, 2012

101 Reasons to go "Back to Raw!"

The more raw you eat the better off you will be. So what's in it for you?

1. You'll have more energy.

2. You'll feel alive - just like your food.

3. You'll nourish your body with food that is designed to be eaten.

4. You’ll start to reverse the signs of ageing.

5. You’ll achieve your ideal body weight

6. You wont feel ‘fat.’

7. If you’re too thin, you’ll start to look more healthy.

8. You won't ever have to count a calorie again in your life!

9. You’ll replace calorie counting with nutrient counting.

10. Any cellulite will start to fade, or even totally disappear.

11. You’ll start to truly love your body.

12. You may notice you look as good as you did in your teens.

13. You’ll acquire more endurance.

14. You may notice that you become more flexible.

15. Your skin will glow.

16. Skin problems will be repaired.

17. You'll never be sick (after a detox).

18. If you are currently sick, you will recover in faster time.

19. Any disease within the body may start to repair.

20. You’ll feel light.

21. You’ll feel free.

22. You can bin any diet books you have that just make you feel fat!

23. You won't worry about avocados and nuts having too many calories.

24. Your food will excite you with its bright colour.

25. You’ll wonder why you didn’t eat more raw food years ago.

26. You’ll beat depression naturally.

27. You’ll embark on a journey, which may thoroughly change your life.

28. You wont be able to stop yourself from gasping at what others have in their supermarket trolleys!

29. You’ll genuinely care about what you are putting into your body.

30. You’ll be more conscious of what other people are putting into their’s

31. You’ll recover more quickly after exercise.

32. You’ll enjoy sex more.

33. Your mind will be clearer

34. Your taste buds will sharpen.

35. Every time you try a new raw recipe, you’ll be in love with raw food all over again!

36. Your family and friends will see how great you look and feel.

37. You’ll become more positive.

38. As your body changes, you’ll feel more motivated to eat healthily.

39. You’ll love life even more.

40. You will become more conscious of the effects of your other actions.

41. Less sleep = more play, but what will you choose to fill this time? New hobby etc..

42. You’ll start to listen to your body more, and tune into it.

43. You’ll become more fertile

44. You’ll have less painful periods (women only)

45. Your monthly cycle may even change too, as you detox (women only)

46. You’ll be detoxing out the years of less than optimum living.

47. You’ll be less drawn to unhealthy food.

48. The ingredients within junk food will repulse you.

49. You’ll feel like you are really caring for your body (for maybe the first time ever.)

50. Your other senses will become more acute.

51. You wont ever need your oven again.

52. You can use your oven as an extra cupboard.

53. You’ll barely need your freezer.

54. You can treat yourself to a huge fridge – and even then, it probably wont be quite big enough!!

55. You can have friends over and impress them with your raw dishes.

56. You’ll surprise yourself just how simple raw cuisine can be – over and over again!

57. You’ll meet some fab ‘Life Buddies’ along the way, who share the same health interests at you.

58. You’ll look great first thing in the morning.

59. You’ll need less make-up.

60. You’ll start to really care about what you put on your skin.

61. You’ll start to really care about what you clean your house with.

62. You’ll be more aware of the environment.

63. You’ll be saving the environment.

64. You’ll have much less waste that the average household.

65. Your hair will grow not only quicker, but thicker too.

66. Your nails wont always be breaking off – they'll be too thick and strong.

67. Your hair will shine naturally.

68. You’ll be drawn to other forms of high-energy.

69. Your brain will function better.

70. You’ll be more open to change and new ideas.

71. You won’t ever burn yourself again.

72. You’ll stand less chance of burning your house down.

73. You’ll come across food that you would have otherwise never usually of tried – like Durians.

74. Your tummy will be flatter.

75. You’ll never ruin a meal by forgetting about it in the oven!

76. Your friends and family wont actually believe you when you tell them that their meal isn't healthy!

77. Your book collection will expand.

78. You’ll discover the super foods!

79. You can eat chocolate and lose weight.

80. You can eat chocolate, full stop!!

81. You can dust your juicer down and revive it again.

82. You can treat yourself to a new one!

83. You can leave your kitchen equipment out on the side, at least then you’ll remember it exists!

84. You can have fun and games explaining what each piece of kitchen equipment does, to your guests.

85. You’ll be an inspiration to others.

86. You may just save someone’s life.

87. You may save your own life.

88. You’ll have the energy to love and appreciate each day.

89. You’ll value the simple things in life.

90. You’ll be living by the laws of nature.

91. You’ll be more drawn to being outside, within nature.

92. You wont be fighting food cravings.

93. You’ll feel less drawn to alcohol and other toxins.

94. You wont be taking in harmful carcinogens when you eat your meal.

95. Unusual chemical changes wont be occurring within the body, every time you eat.

96. You’ll know what a dehydrator can do for your diet.

97. You’ll learn how to sprout.

98. You’ll learn what a sprout actually is – no, we’re not talking Brussels here!

99. You'll be the last one standing after a night out!

100. You’ll live longer!

101. You’ll be grateful that Total Raw Food exists!

Theses are just some of the free benefits from the hand of God that cost you absolutely nothing but all thanks honor and praise!

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