Healing Foods

Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Self Healing" The Gift of God

  "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. "
The God of creation put the gift of self healing in the body. Sadly most of us in general do not know how to properly nourish ourselves to maintain this gift to it's fullest potential. God gave a very simple equation for man. It is earth + water +seed = fruit + nut + vegetables + herbs + grains = HEALTH!

Modern agriculture and food science have greatly manipulated this equation. The new formula is
Earth + seed + pesticides + GMO = processed + bottled + canned +wrapper + plastic = cavities obesity, illness, disease, premature aging, and premature DEATH! If your food, or drink comes in 80% of the latter equation, you know where you could be heading, if you are not perhaps already there. But there is good news! Your body will heal itself if you are willing to take the time to get self educated and take steps the will lead to a healthier and happier you! If you are proactive about your health now you will not have to react to something that you could avoid! Glory to God for vibrant health and life in his written word! Gen 3:29, + 9:3 = Life!
The verse below the caption above is Ecclesiastes  7:29

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