Healing Foods

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Christian Delusion Regarding Health

My sister, my brother. hear what the spirit says to you today!

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6)
Could it be possible that Christians are too passive when it comes to sickness, accepting and enduring sickness without resistance?
Could the reason for Christians passiveness be because we are fatalistic in your thinking? Webster defines fatalistic as: "that events are fixed in advance for all time in such a manner that human beings are powerless to change them."
Could it be possible that we are attributing sickness to "sin", or "the will of God" when, in reality the cause of that sickness might be the violation of some natural laws of God?
Have YOU ever wondered why Christians are just as sick as non-Christians? Or why spiritual Christians are just as sick as Christians that are not as spiritual?
Could it be possible that Christians don't have to experience heart attacks, strokes, cancer, senility, diabetes, and a host of other ailments including colds, flu, headaches, sinuses, allergies, pimples, tooth decay, arthritis, etc.???
Could it be that Christians don't want to acknowledge the possibility that perhaps something they are doing (or not doing) is responsible for their illness??? (Blaming instead some outside force, such as germs, heredity, viruses, fate, God, etc.)
Could it be possible that Christians are getting sick and dying untimely deaths because "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"??? (Hosea 4:6)
Don't be diluted into thinking that just because you serve God you will not get sick. Thousands of Christians are dying every single day from the the same diseases that affect non Christians. Diabetes, cancer, obesity, constipation and heart disease, rank highest among people of faith. Look around you, in your family, in your church, where you work. Each of us knows someone with these very diseases, if not we ourselves. The Bible says clearly "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Don't cheat yourself out of the wealth of health you can have by making consistent changes where you know you need to make them. 
Remember, the word health means meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. I care about your health here. An I  know that most people are suffering in ignorance regarding what constitutes saving health. So I  have decided to unlock secrets that you will not hear about on the 6 o'clock news.
 You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Every single one of your 75 trillion cells standing alone has more intelligence than the whole human race collectively. So treat your body with the highest respect it deserves and keep eating the right things! Blessing to all! 
Check out this link below for more information on this subject.  
Why Christians Get Sick

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