Healing Foods

Monday, April 2, 2012

Information Technology Exposes the S.A.D. Diet

What if you could find the cure for practically every ailment and disease that people face today. What a world it would be if the person who gets sick could actually heal themselves without any professional medical help whatsoever? Is that possible? Is it that far fetched of an idea? Is it already happening under the noses of millions by a only select few? What if I told told there is. What if I told you that there is a select few of ordinary people like yourself who are actually living this reality today. What if I told you that the answer is right at your finger tips to by way of your PC.
 Information technology has so much to offer in the way of providing free information on how to heal yourself naturally. This is the biggest plus when you transition from S.A.D ( Standard American Diet )to G.L.A.D.  (God's Life Activated Diet)
 I can count on my fingers the last time I went to the doctor for some particular health issue. An I am not a physician! But when I found the gospel in health,  I was set free from drugs and the Food Matrix. I found out  that the biggest cover up of the 20th and the 21st century in the medical community is that YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF by way of a plant based diet. Any other food source outside of a natural plant based source is not what the body considers food. but rather, poison that it has to put up with due to our ignorance of how to feed it properly.
We are all products of this deception to a greater or lessor degree. perpetrated on us by BIG AGRI, BIG PHARMA, AND BIG MEDICA.  It's a sweet deception. Let's face it. But O what a price to pay in that day when you have exchanged your place at the dinner table for a bed as a hospital patient.
 So get educated folks. Make the changes. When you take a step forward, don't look back. Remember knowledge is power only when you use it. Amen! If you fall down because of a bad habit you've practiced for years, that is not failure, it is the process of unlearning what you have learned wrong all your life. So chin up. Take one day at a time. Work on not being S.A.D. but G.L.A.D.!

For more information on the S.A.D. Diet go to

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