Healing Foods

Friday, June 10, 2011

Signs & Symptoms of a Toxic Body

*Poor Elimination                 
*Premature Aging                           
*Bad Breath

*Poor Digestion                  
*Poor Skin & Blemishes                 
*Body Odor

*Stomach Bloat                   

 *Fatigue & Low Energy      
*Lower Back pain                        
*Low Immunity   

*Weight Gain                      
*Brain Fog Poor Memory            

*Menstrual Problems           
*Loss of Smell/Taste                       
*Food Allergies

*Yeast Problems                             
*Varicose Veins/Hemorrhoids

If you consistently from one or more of the symptoms listed above, you might want to think about the benefits of an internal cleansing program, and change in your diet. All of these symptoms have causes that can be naturally remedied. Wouldn't you feel in control of your health if you knew how to remedy these problems yourself? Call 541-207-6505 and let me point you in the right direction. Sickness is a choice. But you do not have to be sick.

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