Healing Foods

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Soul Food Kills! - Part 2 (An article from dherbs.com)

Black-eyed peas are the bomb but they are usually cooked with white table salt. Too much sodium in the foods we cook and eat! Some Black folks put animal fat and meats in their Black eyed peas.
The black-eyed pea itself is good (nutritious) for Black people because of the nutritional thiocyanate it contains and Black people need this nutrient.
I disagree with Elijah Muhammad in what he said about this pea and his recommending the white navy bean in its stead. While the navy bean is nutrition dense, it lacks thiocyanate.
The black-eyed pea originated in Africa some 5,000 years ago and still grows wild there. The black-eyed pea is more in line with our biogenetic makeup than the white navy bean is, a bean that has been grafted over the centuries.
The black-eyed pea also tones the spleen, pancreas, and stomach meridian. It is also a fast cooking bean. There's a reason why Black people like black-eyed peas. We can still eat this dish but instead of using white table salt, we should use sea salt or herbal seasoning instead.
Black people also like to eat rice and gravy, white rice on top of that, the worst kind of rice a Black person could eat. White rice contains too much starch. You see it in the pot while it's cooking. It starts off as bubbles and then turns into a dried white substance that sticks to the side of the pot or pan it's cooked in. White rice doesn't contain an iota of nutrition. Nada! In fact, it will rob your body of nutrition, what little nutrition you may have in your body. This is scientific fact too!
Black people are eating too much starch and this starch is impairing health. Starch is a stiffening agent. You use it while ironing to stiffen your clothes, especially your shirts. Starch also breaks down into a harmful byproduct called carbonic acid.
While white rice digests more quickly than brown rice, because it is refined it is not strengthening. It is not a strengthening food at all. It is devoid of nutrition because in order to make white rice the brown coating (germ) is removed and this germ is what contains the nutrition. This is why people in health conscious circles are big on wheat germ. It's because of the nutrition it contains. Wheat germ is a byproduct of making white rice.
Rice and gravy is dangerous because the rice is refined (white) and the gravy is made from white flour. Rice and gravy is very mucus forming. Sure, it tastes good (due to the salt and seasoning used to make it), but it is severely injurious to health and wellbeing.
In elementary school, we used to make piggy banks with newspaper, a balloon, and white flour (and water). The flour is what made the paper hard when it dried and also made the newspaper stick to the balloon too.
We must remember that the sticky substance called 'glue' derives from grains, which includes rice. Grains, especially refined grains, are very mucus forming and they are high in gluten which is where we get 'glue' from. Grains once digested in our bodies actually stick to the walls of the colon, compacting our fecal matter and making our stools very hard.
Grains produce glue in our bodies. Is not pasta derived from grains? Sure it is, and if you change the 'a' on "pasta" to 'e' what new word do you get? You get "paste" and paste is glue (or a mucilage).
I remember coming up in South Central Los Angeles - the only kind of bread we ate was white refined bread (Wonders, Webbers, etc.). I honestly never knew bread was actually supposed to be brown. Doctah B and Sister Yuki were so right when they used to teach folks at "The Good Life" that there's more nutrition in the plastic bag that the white bread comes in than the actual white bread itself.
My mother used to make play dough for us with white bread (which was very soft) and cheap food coloring, the ones poor folks used to color their boiled Easter eggs with. Ya'll know what I'm talking about!
But thank God I got myself into health, diet, biology, and nutrition.
The best grains for Black people (African-Americans, Moors, Nuwaubians, Nubians, Asiatics, Negroes, Cushites, Ta-Ma-Reans, etc.) are alkaline grains such as buckwheat, teff, quinoa (technically not a grain), and amaranth.
Teff is full of nutrition and contains dietary thiocyanate, calcium, iron, zinc, and copper - nutrients that are essential to the optimal health and wellbeing of African and/or Black people. The grain is also a good source of dietary protein. Injera, a sponge-like bread served in many Ethiopian restaurants is made from teff, though many Ethiopian restaurants are making injera from less expensive grains like millet or wheat (flour).
Other nutritious grains for African-Americans (or Blacks) include amaranth, millet, quinoa, and if you must eat wheat bread, choose whole wheat or Kamut brand of wheat (a/k/a Egyptian or Kemetic wheat).
Ezekiel 4:9 brands of bread (by Food For Life) are good as well as Alvarado Street Bakery and Rudi's Organic Bakery brands of bread. We list a host of food companies, including the ones above, and their respective website addresses in Dherbs.com Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual e-book that makes it real easy to switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Please note that wheat is not alkaline and creates mucus in the body if a lot of it is consumed. However, grains like barley, oats, rye, sweet rice, and triticale contain less gluten than wheat but still contain wheat and are also acidic in nature, but they are far better than any white refined breads on the market.
And beware of commercial wheat breads sold in commercial supermarket chains because some of them use caramel coloring to make the bread brown. They are saturating white bread with caramel coloring just how brown sugar is made by pouring syrup or molasses over white sugar to give it a brown coloring.
Many African-Americans suffer from a health condition called "celiac's disease" also known as gluten-intolerance and therefore Africans/African-Americans who suffer from this disease (and actually, even those who don't) should opt for gluten-free grains such as amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, rice, and wild rice (technically not a grain at all).
If you consume rice, it is better to consume brown rice and/or wild rice, which is highly nutritious. White rice should become obsolete in the African diet, and technically, in all people's diets perhaps with the exception of Asians who can tolerate white rice which is why this race consumes a lot of white rice.
Okay, moving on down the soul food list of grub, we come to hot water cornbread. I wasn't much of a cornbread eater coming up, but ate it nonetheless, well, I had to or I would have starved. Coming up as a youth my siblings and I ate what was served to us. We didn't ask questions, we just ate, no questions asked, well, maybe with the exception of liver. I myself always questioned my mother how come I had to eat liver. Of all the meats I ate coming up, liver by far was the worst and now I know why. The liver is the organ that processes and contains the toxins of the animal. All the toxins stay lodged in the liver. Liver just tasted nasty and there wasn't much you could do to alter the naturally nasty taste of liver.
Elijah Muhammad was right in how cornbread is hard on the digestion. All corn products that are not non-GMO (genetically modified organism) are harmful. Corn, along with soy, is the most genetically engineered crop on the planet. We unknowingly eat so much corn today as Americans in general that most of our carbon in our bodies is corn-based.
A great DVD documentary on corn was made a few years ago entitled "King Corn" which I have in my vast collection of educational DVD documentaries and this startling fact was brought up (a hair sample was taken and it was predominantly corn in the person's carbon). I knew it was factual when I considered everything that is made up of or made from corn.
Americans are consuming a lot of corn and corn byproduct, from corn on the cob, sweet corn, popcorn, grits, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, corn flour, dextrose, tortillas, corn oil, cornmeal, and Pinole to name a few.
Corn as an ingredient is found in more than 3,000 foods and ingredients including beer, soda pop, bread, corn flour, breakfast cereals, cornmeal, baked goods, candy, confections, corn oil, corn chips, corn solids (a filler), cornstarch, gin, snacks, and soups.
Corn is a sweetener too appearing in the forms of corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, malitol, mannitol, malt, and invert sugar.
Corn and corn production is a whole industry and makes billions of dollars from the sale of goods containing corn and made from corn. However, 90 percent of domestic corn is fed to livestock and this means that even the meats (beef) Americans are consuming is mostly corn. The corn shows up in the beef when tested. Folks, you do know that on their own cows would not eat corn, right? Cows eat grass! Not corn!
The remaining 10 percent of domestic corn is used for human consumption and in the production of paper, paint, plastics, textiles, and explosives.
Cornbread, like other soul food items, is straight mucus forming. And just think, many Black people can and actually consume cornbread with a glass of cow pus (milk)! Very mucus forming in deed!
The best corn to eat is yellow corn that is organic and non-GMO and blue corn. I actually like blue corn made muffins and bread. It tastes somewhat like mildly sweet cake and unlike cornbread, is very soft and not hard on the digestion.
If you consume grits, and many Black Americans do, yellow corn grits are better than white corn grits.
You can top your grits off with maple syrup instead of white table sugar, Earth Balance's Natural Buttery Spread instead of butter or margarine (which should never be consumed), and sea salt instead of white table salt if you in fact use any of the above to top off your grits which is a very common breakfast item in Black American households, especially poor or low income households (like the Evans family of the 1970's sitcom "Good Times"). The Evans was some real poor Black people! It seems like all they ever ate for breakfast were grits.
Okra is an exceptional food. I always liked it though it was very slimy, well, at least the way my grandmothers, mother, and aunts prepared it. They outright killed the okra!
I never knew okra did not have to be so slimy when after becoming a full- fledged plant-eater (in the same category as vegan) I began steaming my okra. It was still crisp, tasty, and the mucilage wasn't so slimy. To this very day okra is one of my favorite foods.
Okra, like black-eyed peas is native to Africa. Its African name is "Ngumbo" from whence we get our word for the dish 'gumbo' and also why our gumbos contain okra, at least authentic gumbo does. Okra is also called gumbo in Louisiana. It originated specifically from Ethiopia.
Okra is a very therapeutic food. It's mucilage or slippery gel effectively lubricates the intestines and helps to heal and prevent constipation. The problem with okra is how many, if not most, Black Americans cook their okra. They kill it and thus all the nutrition it contains. Try steaming it and adding a little herbal seasoning to eat. It's very delicious prepared this way.
Black folks love them some catfish. This is the worst fish one could eat! When I became health conscious I soon realized Black people love the worst kinds of any meat.
Catfish is Mississippi's number one industry. I guess it would be in the poorest state of the country. But I have to admit that I do have love for this state because this is the state my father and his family are from, so my roots go back to Mississippi so I have love for Mississippi.
They'd run me out of Mississippi if I lectured there and started to talk adverse about catfish.
Of all kinds of fish, black folks, collectively speaking, love the worst kind. I never could get with catfish or just fish period coming up. I was always afraid of getting a bone stuck in my throat. I always heard bad stories about people who got bones stuck in their throats from eating fish. Even as a little boy I was like "Just don't eat it and then there'd be no concern for fish bones getting stuck in the throat!"
Catfish had too many bones for me! I couldn't enjoy it for the tedious task of removing all the bones. I was like "to hell with this!" "Just pass me the French fries (chips)." You always had French fries with your fish, hence "fish and chips."
I would later become addicted to red snapper and whiting fish thanks to my Nation of Islam days. I used to travel from Glendale in the San Fernando Valley to South Central Los Angeles (Central and 41st Street) to Mr. Muhammad's restaurant.
Mr. Muhammad made the best fish I ever had in my life. I went there so much Mr. Muhammad and I became good friends. Mr. Muhammad then began telling me secrets about the kitchen and certain foods he prepared and sold. It was Mr. Muhammad who told me that even though he makes bean pies, he doesn't eat them because of all the sugar that goes into making them. Then he'd start elaborating on salt and all the salt used in the meals. I was like "damn!" "Thanks a lot!"
Mr. Muhammad also put me up on mucus and how mucus was a byproduct from all the good-tasting foods we were eating. One day Mr. Muhammad and myself were sitting at a table and through the window you could see this Black woman with real big breasts walking down the street and Mr. Muhammad looked at me and said, "Brutha, you see that sistah (Black woman) walking there with them big titties?" I said, "Yes!" Mr. Muhammad said, "Those are mucus titties!" I was like, "Huh?" He said her tits were so big from being filled with mucus and other toxins.
And it was just a matter of years before I really became health conscious and really understood what Mr. Muhammad was talking about on that particular day. A female's breasts can actually serve as a fatty reserve to hold fluid wastes and toxins. And for many women, they do, and because women wear tight wire-clad or strapped bras which trap toxins in the breast area (the lymphatic area of the breasts), and in addition to them using harmful commercial brand antiperspirants and deodorants which are toxic and in which the tight bras trap in the lymphatic area of the breast, the breasts become the site for the development of tumors and cysts, and in a worse case scenario - cancer (breast cancer)!
So many Black women are developing breast cysts and tumors. Breast cancer is no stranger to Black women and a lot of Black women are dying from breast cancer.
I just discovered a few months ago that my dear friend Coki Tai Bennett died from breast cancer (well, actually chemotherapy and radiation, keeping it real) on May 21, 2008. I was shocked to discover this. Coki was so young, beautiful, and spirited. She was a dear friend and like with so many of her other friends, we lost touch.
I remember one night (I believe in 2007) Coki came over because of the pain in her right breast and we applied some very powerful magnets to help the situation. It was that night (after all the months I had known her) that I saw her injured breast. I had seen a few injured breasts before, but never anything like this. Coki was browned skin (mocha or dark caramel complexioned) but the tumor, which was hanging off the breast despite growing out of the breast, was bluish-purple in color, and I knew that meant her breast was seriously inflamed. God I felt for this girl. The pain had to be unbearable and I know it was because she always told me about it. It prevented her from sleeping many nights. I wouldn't wish what my dear friend experienced on any woman.
Coki ended up working with a mutual herbalist friend of ours named Val from Carson, California, but after awhile she gave in to allopathic medicine and opted for chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I don't know why she stopped working with Val. I know Val did a lot for her.
I believe I saw Coki one time (actually the last time, at least alive) after these treatments when she came over for chakra balancing. I remember seeing the soles of her feet and they were dark yellow and I knew she was gravely toxic, toxic from the chemo treatments. I was actually a little perturbed. I knew it wasn't a good sign. My gift as a healer, or one of them, is that I can look at people and know what's wrong with them. I have a gift in reading various body parts and knowing what's being conveyed.
Coki was still spirited despite the treatments and her life circumstances at that time, but I knew it was a matter of time before she had to deal with the effects of the chemotherapy. God did not make the human body out of petrochemicals, so how can petrochemicals heal the human body? Chemotherapy and radiation is an asinine concept in my opinion.
I have met very young, beautiful and attractive Black women (many were models and actresses) and they had breast cancer. They were in their 20s too, but cut down by their own breasts in a diseased state because they really didn't understand the implications of what they were dealing with. You can't eat the same junk and fast foods or drink wine when you have cancer. There's no partying and rolling out. You have to be on full healing mode 24/7. A lot of these worldly females didn't understand this and as a result, perished, as the Scriptures state, from a lack of knowledge (and also from rejecting knowledge).
I have seen Black women who had all kinds of bulges: hernias and tumors protruding from their bodies - breasts, bellies/stomach, etc. And these things were all the result of improper diet and lifestyle, and this is very sad and frightening when we consider the fact that food preparation is a duty naturally put in the hands of the woman by Nature and if a woman doesn't know what to eat, the children and thus the family won't know what to eat unless there's a conscious man on the scene who takes an active stance to make sure healthy and nutritious food is prepared for himself, the wife/woman, and children.
Now getting back to this fish and Mr. Muhammad. It was Mr. Muhammad that prompted me, indirectly, to go (turn) vegan. What happened was one day I went to go get something to eat from Mr. Muhammad's place and there was a chain around the front door of the restaurant. Mr. Muhammad's restaurant was closed down and out of business. I was like, "Ain't that a bitch!"
I tried to replace Mr. Muhammad's fish with McDookie's, oops, I mean McDonald's, Filet O' Shit, oops again, I mean, 'Filet O' Fish' but it didn't work and one day while eating this crap at a McDonald's in Glendale, I looked at the sandwich after eating it halfway and asked myself, "What the hell am I eating?"
I truly believe it was the seeds of a dear Muslim sister and friend of mine, Sis. Ida Cooper, whom I attended the mosque (#27 in Los Angeles) with who used to tell me how she learned from a particular health conscious sister that fish has worms in it and if you're eating fish, you're eating worms. And that's all I could think about while looking at my half-eaten Filet O' Fish sandwich and from that day forward I became a vegetarian and a year later I became a vegan and have never looked back.
But Black people love fish, especially catfish!
There are two things black folks will drive all over town and great distances for and that is: Barbecued ribs and fish! Seriously! I used to do it myself. I'd damn near travel from Compton back to Watts for some Mr. Jim's BBQ!
Mr. Jims was located in Watts on Avalon Boulevard at 103rd (or 104th Street). I still remember his slogan: "You need no teeth to eat Mr. Jim's beef!"
Catfish is a nasty fish (creature). This fish even has whiskers like a cat. It also has a period or menstrual cycle. This let's you know this fish is greatly toxic because the menstrual process is a process that allows the release of toxins from the body, even for the human female. Catfish is also a scavenger. I even heard that at commercial catfish farms they are feeding catfish ground up rat (mice) mixed with a few other things. I can't confirm it but I wouldn't doubt it.
Man, if only the American people knew how their food was processed before it got to their tables. When I was in elementary school they showed us educational videos. Schools should be impartial and show the students films produced by Farm Sanctuary and PETA; films such as "Meet Your Meet" and "Food, Inc."
When I explain or elaborate to children and teens why I don't eat meat, every last one of them (on the spot) also wants to stop eating meat. Children, more so than adults in my opinion, are more sympathetic to animals and animal suffering.
CONTINUED in Part 3.
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of Dherbs.com.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Soul Food Kills! - Part 1 (An article from dherbs.com)

(A portion of this article was posted  in the last post, but because the complete article was so powerful, I decided to the whole post the whole text version from dherbs.com. It's a hard pill to swallow, but the truth is my brother and sisters"Soul Food Kills!")

Warning: This article contains explicit and graphic language.
It most certainly will and I have been telling Black people this for many years now.
There's a very good reason that African-Americans are less than 14% of the total U.S. population but are the sickest Americans and lead the nation in many degenerative diseases and rank high for having such degenerative (or preventable diseases) as high blood pressure (hypertension), heart attack, high cholesterol, diabetes, fibroid tumors and cysts, colon and rectal cancer, endometriosis, menstrual complaints, breast cancer, skin diseases (acne, eczema), kidney disease and failure, heart failure, and especially obesity.
Black people (Black Americans) are by far the most obese people on the planet! Especially African-American women! It's epidemic!
Black Americans are sick for many reasons, but especially for reasons pertaining to diet (what they eat)! They don't know what to eat! They don't know to eat foods based upon or in alignment with their bio-genetic makeup.
Even the Black Muslims who follow 'How To eat To Live' (by Elijah Muhammad) are in violation here because 'How To Eat To Live' is based upon a Eurocentric concept of diet (actually, most of our Black diets are due to our collective and group/race circumstances) which is adverse to the African or so-called Asiatic. No offense Muslim brethren! Just being real here!
However, I really don't believe Elijah Muhammad meant any harm to Black people, I just think he was misguided in his approach to diet, or certain aspects of it.
However, the diet he recommended to Black people back in the 1960s and 1970s via this book named above was far better than the traditional Christian (soul food) diet many Blacks had become accustomed to eating and Elijah Muhammad did make hundreds of thousands of Black people very health conscious, including myself (as well as Jason Christopher Muhammad, Shawntell Muhammad, et al), so credit is given where credit is due and deserved.
However, it would be a little Black woman by the name of Alvenia Fulton of Chicago, Illinois who would finally come along and teach Black people about a diet far more healthy and conducive to their makeup than Elijah Muhammad or anyone else at that time. In fact, Alvenia Fulton became mentor to the pioneer of the Black health food movement, Mr. Dick Gregory, teaching him how to fast and diet.
Ms. Fulton came out and outright promoted total abstinence from meat and other harmful so-called foods that made up the Black diet. Before Elijah Muhammad wrote "How To Eat To Live" (which was actually a book containing what he wrote over the years, and thus a compilation) or before that book ever existed, Ms. Fulton was teaching Black people about proper diet and nutrition and as early as the 1950s. She even opened up her own health food store, Fulton Health and Fasting Institute, reportedly the first Black health food store in America.
Fulton taught us that our health is determined by the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. She was the first Black person anywhere to recommend fasting as a means of cleansing the body and allowing the body to cleanse and to heal itself. She called it therapeutic healing.
Alvenia Fulton died in 1999 at the age of 92, outliving the Messenger of Allah Elijah Muhammad, who died in 1975 at the age of 77, by 15 years on her vegan or plant-based diet. Vegans are purported to outlive vegetarians by 7 years and meat-eaters (carnivores) by 14 years.
Many things promoted in Messenger Muhammad's book 'How To Eat To Live' (if practiced today) are insalubrious, from drinking pure cow snot (so-called 'pure milk'), consuming butter, bread (stale and mildew bread at that), coffee, squab (bird), lamb, etc. These products are ALL acidic and thus mucus-forming products that greatly tax the African body, and religious-based belief cannot refute this fact. The African body cannot tolerate mucus and that's why there are so many cases of mucus-filled diseases that end with the suffix 'itis' that Black Americans are struggling with, from colitis, hepatitis, prostatitis, vaginitis, tendonitis, arthritis, and a plethora of more 'itis' based diseases.
But again, the Black Muslim-advocated diet was far superior to the Black Christian diet which was the traditional soul food diet. What Elijah Muhammad advocated in "How To Eat To Live" was only a rudimentary diet in which the Black man and woman were supposed to grow out of and advance up the dietary ladder, something that has taken place with Blacks of the Afrocentric movement.
It was the Afrocentric movement of Los Angeles (whose citadel of health, diet, and nutrition was the now defunct "The Good Life") that helped me to advance diet-wise.
Moors, Nuwaubians, Black Hebrew Israelites, and many members of the NGE's have been making the necessary advancements up the dietary ladder, surpassing the Black Muslims of the Nation of Islam and Black orthodox Muslim community though I must admit that I do know many Black Muslim members of the Nation of Islam and some orthodox Black Muslims (Bilalians) who are very health conscious and who are vegans.
This generic diet called "soul food" is DANGEROUS! How the food is prepared and the chemical ingredients used are what make the food dangerous. Yes, it tastes helluva good (due to fooling the palate), no doubt! But again, it's dangerous!
Why is it dangerous? For one, it contains too much SODIUM (salt) and the unnatural kind at that! This salt that folks are using (i.e. Morton's) is nothing but processed crude oil extract and other chemicals mixed together and bleached and sold to the ignorant and unsuspecting American people and the adverse effects of consuming this dangerous product include, but not limited to, headaches, high blood pressure, fluid retention, and thus weight gain and unhealthy weight gain (obesity).
Even all the meats Black people (and actually, all Americans) eat are loaded with this unhealthy man-made salt. So salt overload is a big factor in the diet of African-Americans and it leads to fluid retention and thus obesity, explaining in part why African-Americans, especially African-American women, are so obese (fat).
African-American girls, generally, start off in life petite or nice shaped, and for some - perfect shaped, and by the age of 30, boom, the weight has hit them and is very noticeable and unsightly cellulite and stretch marks are trademarks of this epidemic.
You cannot dislike cellulite and stretch marks but then turn around and like eating the so-called foods that lead to the development of cellulite and stretch marks. In this particular respect, you can't have your cake and eat it too! You can't eat unhealthy food and not become unhealthy yourself. It doesn't work like that!
Some of the cutest little skinny girls I went to school with are packing much unhealthy weight today and it's due to their lifestyles (which are sedentary for most) and diet (consisting of dead, processed, man-made manufactured food-stuffs). Actually, being technical, diet is a part of lifestyle.
So, sodium is playing a role here (obesity, weight gain) but also synthetic hormones. African-Americans love meat, especially the southern variety. They got me on the hit list for threatening their soul food. (just having some fun!)
This meat folks are eating is laced with hormones - growth hormones. These hormones are injected in the animals to speed up their growth (for conversion into food meats) but then humans turn around and unwisely eat these animals and then consume the same hormones secondhand and just like the cow, chicken, or turkey, they blow up, and for many - larger than a damn house! And all because they like to eat what they have no business eating and shouldn't be eating under the circumstances.
Eating too much meat is causing a host of adverse health conditions for African Americans. All meat and liquid meat (dairy) contains cholesterol so when you consume meat you are also consuming the animal's cholesterol, so now you got your own cholesterol (human cholesterol) and the cholesterol from crucified and murder animals (animal cholesterol) circulating through your body and the next thing you know, you have gone to the doctor's office and discovered that you have high cholesterol and are recommended toxic and poisonous pharmaceutical medicines (drugs) which if you unwisely take, will create a whole other category of adverse health challenges.
Of course you have high cholesterol if you consume high amounts of things that contain cholesterol like meat and dairy. Duh! It's a no-brainer! Well, it should be, but I have to remember or remind myself that many Americans, especially African-Americans, are still very unconscious (mostly due to unconscious choice and living by default).
Meat contains worms and parasites but I won't go too much into this due to working on a separate article dealing with these creepy critters, but a lot of Black folks are infested with worms and parasites, especially obese people, and it is from consumption of slaughtered animal flesh mostly, followed by sexually transmitted disease infection (STDs are nothing but parasites of the genital organs).
Okay, now let me go down the list of soul food items and give my analysis on each food item for purposes of dietary and nutritional edification.
Collard and mustard greens are as African-American as soul music and watermelon. These greens are very nutritious, despite an oxalic acid content that could pose a problem if these greens are consumed too much.
Black people KILL their collard and/or mustard greens and other vegetables! Cooking (killing) them until they are limp, and not a trace of crispiness is left, nor a trace of enzymes (which are killed in temperatures of 118 degrees and above) is not salubrious.
In addition to boiling the life out of their collard and mustard greens, Black Americans inundate the pot of greens with high blood pressure and headache-causing white table salt, and on top of that, they cook the greens with a piece of animal meat and fat, from a piece of ham hock, or neck bones, or salt pork or bacon.
I know chicken and waffles are dear to the taste buds of many Black people, but I'm sorry 'Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles', this combination like most other combinations dear to Black people is greatly mucus forming. Mucus leads to "itis" based diseases. The suffix 'itis' means "inflammation" and inflammation is the result of mucus which is the result of acid which is the result of processed and refined foods and beverages.
And it really is high time for Black people (and all people, for that matter) to once and for all to get away from fried chicken and other fried foods, especially fried fatty foods. Heck, even KFC is hip to this nowadays. KFC is now promoting Kentucky Grilled Chicken (though I hear the chicken is not even grilled). But still, it's not fried!
And by no means just because the chicken is not fried am I endorsing for anyone to run down to the corner KFC and pick up a bucket of this crap! Fast food, like soul food, will kill you too! They're both crap! Be warned people! Fast food and soul food tax the human heart, inflames it and makes it work harder.
Black folks also love them some macaroni and cow snot, oops, my bad! I meant, "cheese." Macaroni and cheese!
You can't pay me to eat, let alone to sniff or smell, some macoroni and cheese. This stuff honesty smells like shit to me. All cheese does. I can't walk down the aisle where cheese is sold in any Whole Foods Market, especially the one in Berkeley, California. I have to either avoid the aisle or hold my breath and start running through the aisle just to get to another part of the store. No lie!
Cheese really stinks like shit to me and I'm disgusted I ever used to eat this crap. I really am! And it's a trip that vegan cheeses don't stink like regular cheese. I'm not attempting to make any cheese eaters feel bad. I'm simply expressing my personal views, opinions, beliefs, and thoughts.
Before I forget, I have to warn you all that meat and dairy product contains real animal shit! It does! I know some of you are perturbed by my willful use of profanity but that doesn't change the fact that all meat and dairy products contain shit. Bruce Willis' character in the movie "Fast Food Nation - The Movie" admitted that our meats contain shit and people have been eating shit for years. This fact is also brought up in the DVD "The Rave Diet" which some good Hebrew Israelite friends in Atlanta, Georgia gave me a few years ago when I lectured there at their Soul Vegetarian restaurant.
Because the suction devices fall from the tits of the cows and onto the ground that is covered with cow feces, and the devices are picked back up and not washed off or washed efficiently but put back onto the cow's tit, traces of the feces gets into the suction devices and bypasses the filter (yes, milk is filtered for the cow shit that it contains).
The Seventh Day Adventist put out a great video "Let's Eat!" that actually showed a feces-stained filter from the milk production process.
I used to always wonder how people could say something tastes like shit (or piss) when they've never eaten or sampled shit or piss, but then when I learned of how feces and urine is in meat (and dairy products) and people eat meat, then it clicked! It made sense to me! People can actually say a thing tastes like shit and/or piss because they are consuming these excrements in their so-called foods. Plus, smell is 95% of taste and what you smell you taste, so if you've smelled feces and urine, then you've also tasted them!
Do you even know how cheese is processed (made)? Baby male cows are killed and their stomachs ripped open and their intestines are ground up and dumped into the cheese processor so the cheese mixture can have enzymes.
With cheese you're getting fat, cholesterol, hormones, bacteria, salt, casein (even in many of the vegan cheese brands in health food stores). If you want a nose full of snot and/or dried up boogers, just chow down on some cheese and make a habit out of it and watch what your nose (and your family's nose) becomes full of.
Black women, generally speaking, love cheese! Oh yes they do! And they will tell you this to your face and think nothing about it, but then a lot of them wonder why they stay so constipated, experience vaginal discharge and with a serious stench in most cases, have stained teeth and perhaps foul breath, and are plagued with uterine and ovarian fibroid tumors and cysts and a host of menstrual problems.
Cheese is a dietary fetish for American women in general, Black women in particular. Man, they love cheese as well as grains (bread) - two very constipating items! Our food addiction in America is a serious pathology. It's amazing to me what people will die for.
"It tastes good!" Yeah, I'm sure it does, but it KILLS! How are you going to be able to taste anything when you are dead and in a coffin and your lips are sewed or stitched up?
People are outright slaves to their own corrupted and polluted taste buds.
Cheese is a horrible product for Black people to eat. It obstructs the arteries, helps create plaque, corrode the teeth, and many other deleterious things.
Growing up in the Hood whenever we took pictures my mother, aunts, or maternal grandmother were always sure to say "On a count of 3 everybody say CHEESE!!!!" Of all they things they could have had lactose-intolerant Black children say before snapping a camera to take a picture.
Continued in Part 2
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of Dherbs.com.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why "Soul Food Cooking" takes the "soul" (life) out of your food

 This is a quote from dherbs.com  Check out the  below the quote "There's a very good reason that African-Americans are less than 14% of the total U.S. population but are the sickest Americans and lead the nation in many degenerative diseases and rank high for having such degenerative (or preventable diseases) as high blood pressure (hypertension), heart attack, high cholesterol, diabetes, fibroid tumors and cysts, colon and rectal cancer, endometriosis, menstrual complaints, breast cancer, skin diseases (acne, eczema), kidney disease and failure, heart failure, and especially obesity.
Black people (Black Americans) are by far the most obese people on the planet! Especially African-American women! It's epidemic!
Black Americans are sick for many reasons, but especially for reasons pertaining to diet (what they eat)! They don't know what to eat! They don't know to eat foods based upon or in alignment with their bio-genetic makeup."

It seems every week there’s a new report telling us of the latest ‘superfood’. Maybe it’s the goji berry, spirulina (seagreens)or raw cacao. Problem is that many of these exotic ‘superfoods’, although tasty, nutritious, and fun to try, are expensive, and cannot always be obtained locally, let alone grown locally.
watercress My belief is that many, more mundane, plant foods that can be eaten by humans are superfoods! Take any fruit or vegetable, sponsor a university research department to analyse it and carry out studies on its effect on health over years (as has happened to watercress, broccoli and blueberries in recent years), and – hey – new superfood! That’s because the plant foods that have been designed for human consumption are full of precious substances designed to nourish us and protect us from disease. And we can obtain these superfoods in our own localities, even amongst the ‘weeds’ in our gardens! Do you really think they have identified all the amazing things in our foods yet?

Photo But, meanwhile, through cooking we’re happily destroying not only the substances scientists have identified, but probably crucial substances it could take them thousands of years to discover...

Cooking damages and destroys the precious raw materials our bodies need

Cooking damages and destroys the amino-acids that our bodies need to build protein. It damages and destroys antioxidants that help protect us from cancer. It damages, destroys (or makes less assimilable) vitamins and minerals. The vitamins in our foods need other substances in the foods to work effectively. Our bodies need those precious things in foods to work efficiently. If they don’t get them, or if they get them in the wrong proportions, they start to work less efficiently. Then, either dramatically, and early in life (as in a heart attack) or gradually, and later, after a lifetime of tedious ‘minor ailments’, our bodies splutter to a halt.

Of course every so often we hear of someone who has lived to 100 on a diet of full English breakfasts, whisky and fags. I reckon these people are kept alive as an IQ test for the rest of us – do we copy the one exception to the rule, or the millions that aren’t? In damaging and destroying precious things our bodies need, cooking contributes to minor and major illness, and premature death. It even robs us of substances needed to make serotonin, sometimes called the ‘happiness’ chemical; it depresses us! We are biochemical creatures. The food that goes into our mouths affects us physically and psychologically in every way.

Cooking = heating to a temperature higher than that of a hot day

Scientific studies have shown that, generally, around 115F is the temperature at which certain substances in our foods start to become damaged or destroyed. Roughly speaking, that's the temperature in direct sun on a very hot day (well, depends where you live!).

In fact, raw fooders generally try to keep food to a temperature close to body temperature, ie between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is what cooking does to some of the precious substances in our food:

Damages amino-acids. Our bodies need amino-acids to make protein. Heat denatures them, meaning that the molecular structure is altered, rendering them unusable, or less usable, by our bodies and resulting in the generation of mutagens. The irony is that people who think they need to eat meat ‘for protein’ damage the amino-acids through cooking!

Destroys or damages vitamins. Most people know that boiling destroys many vitamins. In fact, it destroys 97% of B vitamins in general, and Vitamin C. OK, so you never boil your vegetables…you steam them (or roast them?). Look at this. A study by Arthur M Baker, MA (NHE Self-Health Care systems and author of ‘Awakening Our Self-Healing Body’) tells us that when food is cooked above 117 (Fahrenheit remember..) for 3 minutes or longer, 30-50% of vitamins are destroyed, and most vitamins lose their capacity to function once they have been subjected to heat surpassing 131 F.

Some examples:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Calculations from baked cookies revealed 90% of B1 lost. B1 is decreased by roasting, braising and frying.
Vitamin B2 Destroyed if cooked with baking soda/powder
Vitamin B6 Destroyed by roasting

And did you know that when, for example, we eat grains that have had the B vitamins cooked out of them, our bodies then need to raid our Vitamin B reserves to metabolise them? So, by eating cooked foods, we not only destroy the vitamins in the foods, but put our own stores under strain!

Causes mineral loss and renders minerals less assimilable by the body. Although minerals in general are less susceptible to damage than vitamins, significant losses of magnesium, selenium and other minerals can occur through cooking. Minerals can be lost to cooking water and juices. Also, heat causes cleavage of complexes that render minerals less absorbable by the body.

Destroys antioxidants
Antioxidants are substances that fight the ‘free radicals’ that can cause cancer. Many antioxidants lose their anti-cancer qualities when heated. For example, 90% of the antioxidants in broccoli are destroyed by microwaving.
gas burner flame
Fire destroys

Cooking creates toxins

A toxic substance is something that when ingested may destroy life or injure health.

Is cooked food poison? Raw fooders have been made lots of fun of in the past for saying that it is. However, although we won’t fall down dead immediately from the effects of a cooked meal, cooked food and its by-products injure our health in various ways, contributing to many illnesses and premature death. Hence, cooked food in general may accurately be described as poison, albeit slow-acting poison.

I've already discussed above some of the ways in which cooking can harm our health. Here's another: when the molecular arrangements of foods are altered by heat, ‘free radicals’ form (they’re molecules ‘gone awry’). When the molecules of vitamins and minerals are deranged by heat, carbon is liberated. They turn into inorganic ash-like form - toxic to the body.

Arthur M Baker explains how fats are rendered carcinogenic through heating food above 117 F for longer than 3 minutes: heating changes the fats and these changed fats are then incorporated into cell walls, interfering with the respiration of the cell (which can lead to cancer and heart disease).

Arthur M Baker also explains how when amino acids are heated ‘coagulated protein molecules tend to putrefy as bacteria in the body feed upon this dead organic matter. Bacterial enzymatic by-products are carcinogenic.’

When fats (hard and oils) are heated to high temperatures fatty acids are converted to transfatty acids. Even unsaturated fats then begin to behave like saturated fats, raising cholesterol levels. Very high temperatures (as in deep frying) applied to oils generate hydrocarbons that can cause cancer. And, if the oil is reheated, the fat may develop cancer-producing agents acrolein and benzopyrene.

Fresh fears have been raised over the safety of cooked foods

(Daily Telegraph 3.12.07)

For many years now scientists have known about acrylamides – substances created by cooking that can cause cancer. It’s only recently that further studies have resulted in this news reaching the mainstream media, making headline news in national newspapers in 2007. The Daily Telegraph reported that acrylamides, caused by frying, roasting or grilling, could double the risk of ovarian and womb cancer in women. A spokesman from the Foods Standard Agency is quoted as saying that it was not possible to avoid the chemical entirely ‘since acrylamide forms naturally in a wide variety of cooked foods, it is not possible to have a healthy balanced diet that avoids it’.

Oh isn’t it?

It's sad, although also quite amusing, hearing scientists talk of the 'advantages' of cooking. Richard Wrangham of Harvard University, speaking to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (reported in The Economist Feb 2009), describes raw foodists as 'faddists' and says that 'without cooking, the human brain (which consumes 20-25% of the body's energy) can't keep running.' (At time of writing mine's done three years so far, so guess it'll conk out pretty soon.)

Cooked food dehydrates us

cucumber Are you fed up with being told you have to drink eight glasses of water a day? Does anybody do that? Well, if you’re on a cooked-food diet, you need to be doing that! That’s because when food is cooked 80% of its water content can be lost. Dehydration has been linked to many major diseases (Dr Batmanghelidj ‘Your Body’s Many Cries for Water’). Now, if you have an apple in the house, go eat it, and be aware of how much water you are gulping down at the same time…

There is so much debate about the relative merits of bottled, ionised, distilled water etc. But the very best water for our bodies is found within raw foods (their roots filter out impurities as they grow).

When we receive an imbalance of (denatured) protein, fat and carbohydrate, because the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants have been damaged or destroyed through cooking, when we receive nutrients in proportions different from those the foods were designed to give, there are consequences for our bodies!

When the precious substances in our food (our bodies ‘raw materials’) which have been put there to nourish and protect us, are damaged and destroyed, we suffer illness and disease.

If someone or something wished to cause the premature demise of as many people as possible, and to cause as much suffering as possible along the way, what better way than to hide something so deadly in something that can so delude the senses, be not only socially acceptable but virtually mandatory in many societies, and something that human beings teach others to do, from babyhood!

If you want life,
as opposed to ‘existence’,
eat your food as nature intended –
beautifully, deliciously, purely,


101 Reasons to go "Back to Raw!"

The more raw you eat the better off you will be. So what's in it for you?

1. You'll have more energy.

2. You'll feel alive - just like your food.

3. You'll nourish your body with food that is designed to be eaten.

4. You’ll start to reverse the signs of ageing.

5. You’ll achieve your ideal body weight

6. You wont feel ‘fat.’

7. If you’re too thin, you’ll start to look more healthy.

8. You won't ever have to count a calorie again in your life!

9. You’ll replace calorie counting with nutrient counting.

10. Any cellulite will start to fade, or even totally disappear.

11. You’ll start to truly love your body.

12. You may notice you look as good as you did in your teens.

13. You’ll acquire more endurance.

14. You may notice that you become more flexible.

15. Your skin will glow.

16. Skin problems will be repaired.

17. You'll never be sick (after a detox).

18. If you are currently sick, you will recover in faster time.

19. Any disease within the body may start to repair.

20. You’ll feel light.

21. You’ll feel free.

22. You can bin any diet books you have that just make you feel fat!

23. You won't worry about avocados and nuts having too many calories.

24. Your food will excite you with its bright colour.

25. You’ll wonder why you didn’t eat more raw food years ago.

26. You’ll beat depression naturally.

27. You’ll embark on a journey, which may thoroughly change your life.

28. You wont be able to stop yourself from gasping at what others have in their supermarket trolleys!

29. You’ll genuinely care about what you are putting into your body.

30. You’ll be more conscious of what other people are putting into their’s

31. You’ll recover more quickly after exercise.

32. You’ll enjoy sex more.

33. Your mind will be clearer

34. Your taste buds will sharpen.

35. Every time you try a new raw recipe, you’ll be in love with raw food all over again!

36. Your family and friends will see how great you look and feel.

37. You’ll become more positive.

38. As your body changes, you’ll feel more motivated to eat healthily.

39. You’ll love life even more.

40. You will become more conscious of the effects of your other actions.

41. Less sleep = more play, but what will you choose to fill this time? New hobby etc..

42. You’ll start to listen to your body more, and tune into it.

43. You’ll become more fertile

44. You’ll have less painful periods (women only)

45. Your monthly cycle may even change too, as you detox (women only)

46. You’ll be detoxing out the years of less than optimum living.

47. You’ll be less drawn to unhealthy food.

48. The ingredients within junk food will repulse you.

49. You’ll feel like you are really caring for your body (for maybe the first time ever.)

50. Your other senses will become more acute.

51. You wont ever need your oven again.

52. You can use your oven as an extra cupboard.

53. You’ll barely need your freezer.

54. You can treat yourself to a huge fridge – and even then, it probably wont be quite big enough!!

55. You can have friends over and impress them with your raw dishes.

56. You’ll surprise yourself just how simple raw cuisine can be – over and over again!

57. You’ll meet some fab ‘Life Buddies’ along the way, who share the same health interests at you.

58. You’ll look great first thing in the morning.

59. You’ll need less make-up.

60. You’ll start to really care about what you put on your skin.

61. You’ll start to really care about what you clean your house with.

62. You’ll be more aware of the environment.

63. You’ll be saving the environment.

64. You’ll have much less waste that the average household.

65. Your hair will grow not only quicker, but thicker too.

66. Your nails wont always be breaking off – they'll be too thick and strong.

67. Your hair will shine naturally.

68. You’ll be drawn to other forms of high-energy.

69. Your brain will function better.

70. You’ll be more open to change and new ideas.

71. You won’t ever burn yourself again.

72. You’ll stand less chance of burning your house down.

73. You’ll come across food that you would have otherwise never usually of tried – like Durians.

74. Your tummy will be flatter.

75. You’ll never ruin a meal by forgetting about it in the oven!

76. Your friends and family wont actually believe you when you tell them that their meal isn't healthy!

77. Your book collection will expand.

78. You’ll discover the super foods!

79. You can eat chocolate and lose weight.

80. You can eat chocolate, full stop!!

81. You can dust your juicer down and revive it again.

82. You can treat yourself to a new one!

83. You can leave your kitchen equipment out on the side, at least then you’ll remember it exists!

84. You can have fun and games explaining what each piece of kitchen equipment does, to your guests.

85. You’ll be an inspiration to others.

86. You may just save someone’s life.

87. You may save your own life.

88. You’ll have the energy to love and appreciate each day.

89. You’ll value the simple things in life.

90. You’ll be living by the laws of nature.

91. You’ll be more drawn to being outside, within nature.

92. You wont be fighting food cravings.

93. You’ll feel less drawn to alcohol and other toxins.

94. You wont be taking in harmful carcinogens when you eat your meal.

95. Unusual chemical changes wont be occurring within the body, every time you eat.

96. You’ll know what a dehydrator can do for your diet.

97. You’ll learn how to sprout.

98. You’ll learn what a sprout actually is – no, we’re not talking Brussels here!

99. You'll be the last one standing after a night out!

100. You’ll live longer!

101. You’ll be grateful that Total Raw Food exists!

Theses are just some of the free benefits from the hand of God that cost you absolutely nothing but all thanks honor and praise!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The more raw, the healthier you are!

Going raw is not as overwhelming as it may seem. Just increase the salads you love when you eat them. Increase the fruits and cereals you love when you eat them. Fall in love with the knowledge of what you are physically made of, and what it takes to make your living body really work, and the bad habits you are accustom to will just melt away. We have no idea what our bodies will do for us when we put the right fuel in them. Let me illustrate just one aspect of what our bodies can do. Of the 160,000 edible plants on the earth. our digestive system can recognize and convert theses foods into brain, bone, heart, and muscles without us even being aware of it on a conscious level. That is with plant base nutrition. That's Powerful! Now on the flip side, 14,000 chemical additives are added to man made food by the major food corporations, of which when eaten, our body interprets as poison. Just like a computer virus disrupts your computer from running properly when it is infected, so do these chemical additives disrupt our body's ability to function properly like a computer virus, Except, where you may have 15 to 20 viruses in a computer, you may have 14, 000 chemicals wreaking havoc in your system. So when I say, " Now go and eat the right thing", do you see how it pays to eat the right thing! On that note, I am going to say," Amen!" The truth shall set you fee!