Healing Foods

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Acid vs Alkaline Part 2

Here is a list to compare high quality alkaline food
to low quality acid food.
Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0
pH 9.0: Lemons (1), Watermelon (2)
pH 8.5: Agar Agar (3), Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum) (4), Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley (5), Seedless grapes (sweet), Watercress, Seaweeds, Asparagus (6), Endive, Kiwifruit, Fruit juices (7), Grapes (sweet), Passion fruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple, Raisins, Umeboshi plum, Vegetable juices (8).
Moderately Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 7.5 to 8.0
pH 8.0: Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts (9), Arrowroot, Flour (10), Avocados, Bananas (ripe), Berries, Carrots, Celery, Currants, Dates & figs (fresh), Garlic (11), Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet), Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears(less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon, Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt (vegetable) (12), Spinach.
pH 7.5: Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green), Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage;Cauli, Carob (13), Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Parsnip, Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes & skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry, Sapote, Strawberry, Squash (14), Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari (15), Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider) (16).
Slightly Alkaline Forming to Neutral Foods - pH 7.0
pH 7.0: Almonds (17), Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussels Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Mushrooms, Okra, Olives ripe (18), Onions, Pickles (19), (home made), Radish, Sea salt (20), Spices (21), Taro, Tomatoes (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Water Chestnut, Amaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Essene bread (22), Goat's milk and whey (raw) (23), Horseradish, Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa, Rhubarb, Sesame seeds (whole) (24), Soy beans (dry), Soy cheese, Soy milk, Sprouted grains (25), Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast (nutritional flakes).
Extremely Acid Forming Foods - pH 5.0 to 5.5
pH 5.0: Artificial sweeteners (41).
pH 5.5: Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks (38), Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour white & wheat (39), Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour, Pork, Sugar white (40), Beer (34), Brown sugar (35), Chicken, Deer, Chocolate, Coffee (36), Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies, Liquor (37), Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina, Table salt refined and iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).
Moderately Acid Forming Foods - pH 6.0 to 6.5
pH 6.0: Cigarette tobacco (roll your own), Cream of Wheat (unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple syrup (processed), Molasses (sulphured), Pickles (commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice & rye, Cereals (refined) eg weetbix, corn flakes, Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods (32), Wine (33), Yogurt (sweetened).
pH 6.5: Bananas (green), Buckwheat, Cheeses (sharp), Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard), Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole grain), Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes (with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial), Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic).
Slightly Acid to Neutral Forming Foods - pH 7.0
pH 7.0: Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals (unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal, Cranberries (30), Fructose, Honey pasteurized), Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup(unprocessed), Milk (homogenized) and most processed dairy products, Molasses (unsulphered organic) (31), Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn & butter (plain), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye (grain), Rye bread (organic sprouted), Seeds (pumpkin & sunflower), Walnuts, Blueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses (mild & crumbly) (28), Crackers (unrefined rye), Dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney, garbanzo) (29), Dry coconut, Egg whites, Goats milk (homogenized), Olives (pickled), Pecans, Plums (30), Prunes (30), Spelt.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Acid vs Alkaline pt.1

This is is one of the most important videos you want to see to regarding the science of eating properly in order to build a healthy cell. Acid vs Alkaline ph is understanding the quality of our foods and the quality of our health.  This is the key to vibrant health. This is the determining factor of the level of your resistance to disease.
 Every disease known to man can be measured here. This video will help you see how amazingly duped we have been in reference to not getting an intelligent understanding of this topic in our schools and colleges. What we don't know will hurt us. Don't be fooled, you can no longer afford to eat in ignorance.

Why Do Christians Get Sick???

Proof positive that the 80% raw to 20% cooked vegan diet is effective. This video is of a pastor who defied the odds of the medical institutions drug, cut, poison, burn policy when diagnosed with Colon Cancer, simply by changing what he ate to the original Bible based diet.

 It's amazing that many Christian believers are the worst case scenario of the chronic disease process. ARE WE EATING OURSELVES IN THE GRAVE WHILE WE PRAY? Give me some feedback people, is this the truth or what!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chicken Declared Cancerous by FDA

NaturalNews) After years of sweeping the issue under the rug and hoping no one would notice, the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that's fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It's added to the chicken feed on purpose!

Even worse, the FDA says its own research shows that the arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans. So for the last sixty years, American consumers who eat conventional chicken have been swallowing arsenic, a known cancer-causing chemical. (http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/loc...)

Until this new study, both the poultry industry and the FDA denied that arsenic fed to chickens ended up in their meat. The fairytale excuse story we've all been fed for sixty years is that "the arsenic is excreted in the chicken feces." There's no scientific basis for making such a claim... it's just what the poultry industry wanted everybody to believe.

But now the evidence is so undeniable that the manufacturer of the chicken feed product known as Roxarsone has decided to pull the product off the shelves (http://www.grist.org/food-safety/20...). And what's the name of this manufacturer that has been putting arsenic in the chicken feed for all these years? Pfizer, of course -- the very same company that makes vaccines containing chemical adjuvants that are injected into children.

Technically, the company making the Roxarsone chicken feed is a subsidiary of Pfizer, called Alpharma LLC. Even though Alpharma now has agreed to pull this toxic feed chemical off the shelves in the United States, it says it won't necessarily remove it from feed products in other countries unless it is forced by regulators to do so. As reported by AP:

"Scott Brown of Pfizer Animal Health's Veterinary Medicine Research and Development division said the company also sells the ingredient in about a dozen other countries. He said Pfizer is reaching out to regulatory authorities in those countries and will decide whether to sell it on an individual basis." (http://www.usatoday.com/money/indus...)

Arsenic? Eat more!

But even as its arsenic-containing product is pulled off the shelves, the FDA continues its campaign of denial, claiming arsenic in chickens is at such a low level that it's still safe to eat. This is even as the FDA says arsenic is a carcinogen, meaning it increases the risk of cancer.

The National Chicken Council agrees with the FDA. In a statement issued in response to the news that Roxarsone would be pulled from feed

Friday, June 10, 2011

Signs & Symptoms of a Toxic Body

*Poor Elimination                 
*Premature Aging                           
*Bad Breath

*Poor Digestion                  
*Poor Skin & Blemishes                 
*Body Odor

*Stomach Bloat                   

 *Fatigue & Low Energy      
*Lower Back pain                        
*Low Immunity   

*Weight Gain                      
*Brain Fog Poor Memory            

*Menstrual Problems           
*Loss of Smell/Taste                       
*Food Allergies

*Yeast Problems                             
*Varicose Veins/Hemorrhoids

If you consistently from one or more of the symptoms listed above, you might want to think about the benefits of an internal cleansing program, and change in your diet. All of these symptoms have causes that can be naturally remedied. Wouldn't you feel in control of your health if you knew how to remedy these problems yourself? Call 541-207-6505 and let me point you in the right direction. Sickness is a choice. But you do not have to be sick.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The benefits of drinking distilled water

Benefits of Distilled Water

  • is free of virtually all inorganic minerals including salt and nitrates.
  • acts as a solvent in the body by dissolving nutrients so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell.
  • dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of purifying the body.
  • does not leach out body minerals but does collect and remove minerals which have been rejected by the cells of the body and are therefore nothing more or less than debris obstructing normal functioning of the system.
  • is the ideal liquid for efficient functioning of kidneys, lungs, stomach, liver, and other vital organs.
  • is universally accepted as the standard for biomedical applications and for drinking water purity.  This is the Be

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Most Powerful Creatures on the Planet

The most powerful creatures on the planet are vegetarians. The largest land animals are vegetarian. They only eat there food in it's raw state  Men today harvest there food, kill there food, denature it and then eat it again. We are the only species on the planet that nourish ourselves in this fashion. This form of nourishment is the root cause of over 10,000 plus disease in the world according to Dr.Gary Tunsky.

Can I get a witness? Yes! How about Arthur M. Baker. author of the book "Awakening Our Self Healing Body."Listen to his Testimony on this same point.

Eighty million species on earth (about 700,000 of which are animals) thrive on raw food. Only humans apply heat to what they eat. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span of chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related. Domesticated pets also are fed cooked, processed, packaged food that likewise is denatured by heat. As a consequence, they suffer human-like chronic ailments including cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases.

Now go and eat the right thing!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why am I sick?

Today, all of the major neurological diseases including autism, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, MS and Parkinson's do not have a known etiology. They represent the major failure of today's research institutions. They are modern man diseases and do not seem to be directly genetically inherited but to be caused by some unidentified, toxicant exposure. All attempts to look at heavy metal exposures, especially mercury exposure, as being involved in the etiology or exacerbation of these diseases is rigorously fought against by certain components of our government regulatory agencies in spite of both biological and epidemiological research implicating mercury as a major suspect for involvement."
Dr. Boyd Haley
Are Years of Built-Up Toxins Wreaking Havoc On Your Health? If So, Whole Body Detoxification Is Vital To Maintain Or Rejuvenate Your Health

By Greg Ciola & Gary Tunsky, ND
Did you know that one of the primary causes of disease is the slow accumulation of toxic compounds in the body, coupled with nutrient deficiencies at the cellular level? In laymans terms, when you retain more toxins in your body than you can effectively eliminate through your liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, lungs or skin, they will eventually end up storing in cells, tissues, organs, joints, and bones and wreak havoc on your health. Most disease is really nothing more than an attempt on the weak part of the body to rid itself of these toxins through one of the bodys elimination routes.  

Toxins always settle where the cells are weakest and where they are unable to discard what they do not need. When cell membranes become coated with accumulated waste matter, cells cannot breathe properly and this can eventually lead to oxygen deprivation, nutrient starvation, cell asphyxiation, and then to cell death. 

Proper elimination of all toxins and metabolic waste from the body while supplying your cells the nutrients needed for healthy replication and survival is one of the major solutions to the sick care industry. Most of us are overfed but under nourished. We eat non-food foods, drink lifeless contaminated drinks, consume empty calories and fill our bodies at almost every meal with hydrogenated fats, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, pesticides, herbicides, emulsifiers, stabilizers and a list of other poisonous substances. From morning till night people are ingesting whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like having it. 

Because no one dies on the first cigarette, shot of whiskey, French fry, potato chip, soda, cookie, fried chicken dinner or microwave dinner, no one associates their stomach/digestive problems, headaches, skin rashes, nausea, fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, and pre-mature aging to the decades of abuse from what they ate, drank, breathed or smoked. Then we think we can take a pill when we get sick from this routine, totally oblivious to the drug side effects.