Healing Foods

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Health Ranger: Big Pharma's Secret Agenda Exposed

Health Ranger Mike Adams gives a special presentation Big Pharma's agenda to make sure you die broke, as well as neo-eugenics and how it ties into food contamination and vaccines. Why are they pushing so hard to get you to take vaccines when the science shows that vaccines doesn't really work?

The pharmaceutical industry makes money from sickness and disease, so it's in their interests for you never to obtain a reasonable standard of health, and that you exist in a degenerative disease zone where they can extract all the money you've worked so hard to earn for your entire life. Adams explains why alternative health treatments which are cheaper, safer, more effective and more readily available than pharmaceuticals, are suppressed by Big Pharma, because you can't patent superfoods, pomegranate seeds, walnuts, or any other natural product of nature.

Bio-engineered foods, combined with the synthetic compounds in pharmaceuticals, and toxic personal products like shampoos and deodorants, are combining to create a highly toxic environment for our body, turning your liver into a toxic waste dump and preventing your vital organs from functioning properly.

Adams also discusses medical experimentation on humans beings conducted by pharmaceutical companies, the government and the military, explaining how we are all unwitting guinea pigs being bombarded with innumerable different attacks on our health as part of the global population reduction agenda being promoted and funded by elitists like Bill Gates.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Why Breast Milk is Second to None for Babies.

Breast milk contains large
amounts of
Picasso - "Breastfeeding"
Breast milk is rich in oxygen with colostrums; which give the baby "natural immunities" contain the highest percentages of oxygen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If Cows Could Speak

Health tip of the day. The closer the food that we eat as it comes fro the field or orchard, the more fit it is to support our life. Compromises result in compromised health and longevity. Remember, food is our greatest deviation from what is normal. Thus, the cow in the field stands in a better place than we do when it comes to nutrition, eating by nature what it was designed to, whereas humans think it is harmless to eat anything they want to. If cows could speak, they would read us!